The Festival du Film Merveilleux & Imaginaire is an international film festival held in Paris, focusing on themes of magic and fantasy. It was first launched in 2010 and under the patronage of UNESCO since 2014 (French commission – United Nation Education scientific Cultural organization).
12th Festival du Film Merveilleux & Imaginaire de Paris
21 – 23 September 2022
Christine Cinema Club, 4 rue Christine 75006 PARIS
Festival du Film Merveilleux & Imaginaire 2022, we are finally coming back to the cinema and to face our overconsumption of digital screens and the cocooning of our homes, the Festival du Film Merveilleux & Imaginaire returns with the desire to share with its community a conviviality and the link between people which defines us since the beginning. A new place for new meetings, new stories, new films, new directors, new producers.
Let’s finally take the time to see films together, to experience emotions collectively and to celebrate together the love of cinema.
We screen the films in the evening for the public and professionals at the cinema Le Christine Cinema Club in the heart of Paris.
Tarifs Entrée: 6,00€ – Cartes acceptées: UGC illimité.
Airfort Sorcery Academy directed by ZHANG, YI-ZHEN
Year : 2021
Runtime : 8:17
Production : ZHANG, YI-ZHEN
Country : TAIWAN
Synopsis : It’s the story of a young girl who enters the dreaming magic academy, but finds that the courses are not her favorite, and then strives to achieve her goals alone.
Credit : ZHANG, YI-ZHEN Director, ZHANG, YI-ZHENWriter, KANG, XIN-YIWriter, HE, JIA-YIWriter, XU, MENG-LIN Writer, CAI, YI-CHENG Writer, ZHANG, YI-ZHEN Producer, ZHANG, YI-ZHENAnimation, KANG, XIN-YI Animation. HE, JIA-YI Animation, CAI, YI-CHENG Animation, ZHANG, YI-ZHEN Editor, LIN, YU-YI Music

The Gesture and The Word directed by Helen Alexis Yonov
Year : 2020
Runtime: 23’
Production: Burden & Light
Synopsis : Gilbert is a lonely postman whose only friends are the people on his route. There’s Mr. Rostall, a blind widower and retired poet and professor. There’s Aurore, who gets postcards from her boyfriend Eric as he travels around the world. And then there is Eloise, a lovely florist in the neighborhood who gives Gilbert a flower for his jacket every day, along with a lesson in the symbolism in each bloom and a hopeful sign of her affections. When Aurore suddenly stops receiving postcards from Eric, Gilbert secretly begins to recreate them, recruiting Mr. Rostalle, who believes he’s helping Gilbert express his growing feelings for Eloise. But the effort has unintended consequences, and Gilbert must deal with his fears and inability to express himself with Eloise.
Credit : Starring James Michael Tyler, Paul Dooley, Nicole LaLiberté, Roxane Mesquida, and Andrew Creer. Written and directed by Helen Alexis Yonov. Produced by Andrea Fellers. Written and directed by Helen Alexis Yonov. Produced by Andrea Fellers. Producer: Helen Alexis Yonov. Cinematography by Matt Rodgers.

L’enfant et l’oie directed by Jade CHASTAN, Alice FAILLA, Jérôme GINESTA, Justine HERMETZ, Sophie LAFLEUR, Vincent LENNE
Year : 2021
Runtime : 7’52
Production : Ecole des Nouvelles Images
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : In a remote countryside, a small child, fascinated by the sky, meets a goose in search of freedom, and flies away with it. Living a daydream, their journey turns sour when they find themselves stranded on the rooftops of a city.
Credits : Animation: Alice FAILLA ; Jérôme GINESTA ; Justine HERMETZ. Script: Alice FAILLA ; Vincent LENNE. Set: Jade CHASTAN ; Vincent LENNE. Image: Jade CHASTAN ; Sophie LAFLEUR ; Vincent LENN, special effects: Jade CHASTAN ; Justine HERMETZ ; Vincent LENNE ; Alice FAILLA. Film editor: Alice FAILLA ; Vincent LENNE. Rendering: Jade CHASTAN ; Vincent LENNE. Sound engineer: Justine HERMETZ ; Vincent LENNE. Sound editor: Justine HERMETZ ; Sophie LAFLEUR ; Vincent LENNE ; Jérôme GINESTA. Mix: Pierre-François RENOUF. Soundtrack: Hassan ALI

Un Monde Sans Crise directed by Ted Hardy-Carnac
Year : 2020
Runtime : 26’58
Production : La Belle Affaire Productions
Country: FRANCE
Synopsis : Emilie, a young woman in her thirties who is as spontaneous as she is clumsy, misses one job interview after another. Under pressure, harassed by the owner of her apartment, she has high hopes for the new interview she got that afternoon. But in a near future where social demands are no longer quite the same, nothing is going to happen as planned.
Credits : Executive Producer : Jérôme Blesson. Sound Recordist : Alexandre Dazzoni. Director of photography : Pauline Sicard. Editors : Joris Laquittant, Lucie Brux, Monika Grassl. Continuity supervisor : Florence Cheron. Music Composer : Niki Demiller. Costume designer : Jihane Alami Badissi. Grader : Maxence Lemonnier. Sound Mixer : Victor Praud. Assistant Director : Giovanni Battista Nazzaro. Screenwriter : Ted Hardy-Carnac. Production manager : Rosalie Brun. Sound editors : Colin Favre-Bulle, Clément Gallice. Production Designer : Karine Boutroy. Casting : Sandie Galan Pere. Visual effects : Lénaïc Massoulle. Make-up Artist : Anne-Lise Bayard

Un Brin de Causette directed by Elisa Baudy, Jeanne Dalmas, Flore Péan, Gabin Ageorges, Bradley Lejeune
Year : 2021
Runtime : 7’40
Production : Ecole Georges Méliès
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : In search of a social connection, Oscar calls strangers until he meets Arlette. As the dialogue progresses, he shares with her his perception of the world.
Credits: Graphic design : Elisa Baudy, Gabin Ageorges, Jeanne Dalmas, Flore Pean. Storyboard Jeanne Dalmas, Bradley Lejeune, Elisa Baudy. 2D Animation Elisa Baudy, Jeanne Dalmas. 3D Animation Flore Pean, Bradley Lejeune. Stop motion Animation Gabin Ageorges. Sets Gabin Ageorges, Flore Pean, Bradley Lejeune, Elisa Baudy. Editing Jeanne Dalmas, Bradley Lejeune. Special Effects Compositing : Elisa Baudy. Sound : Jeanne Dalmas, Bradley Lejeune, Lauriane Loppinet
Sound Editing Lauriane Loppinet. Voice cast Alexis Mahi, Frederique Cantrel.

Colin Pané Directed by Paul Bouchart, Stéphanie Hu, Clément Opinel, Juliette Danesi, Camille Fruit.
Year : 2021
Runtime : 4’
Production : Ecole Georges Méliès
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : Colin passionately recounts the adventures of his fish-shaped kit to Dimitri, the new student in his class…
Credits: Animation Stephanie Hu, Clement Opinel, Paul Bouchart. Sets Stephanie Hu, Camille Fruit, Paul Bouchart. Compositing Stephanie Hu, Camille Fruit, Clement Opinel, Paul Bouchart. Editing Clement Opinel. Music Olivier Michelot. Sound Olivier Michelot, Clement Opinel. Voice cast Sophie Arthuys, Helene Bizot

The Basilisk directed by Chloé Delestrain, Owen Masson, Lancelot Myja Le Guludec, Morrigane Haudry, Nathan Peyren, Gaël Lejeune, Baptiste Belperin
Year : 2021
Runtime : 7’14
Production : Pôle 3D
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : A man receives a disturbing phone call from one of his colleagues about an AI that would come into existence.
Credits : Chloé Delestrain Director. Owen Masson Director Lancelot Myja Le Guludec Director. Morrigane Haudry Director
Nathan Peyren Director. Gaël Lejeune Director. Baptiste Belperin Director. Chloé Delestrain Writer Owen MassonWriter. Lancelot Myja Le Guludec Writer. Morrigane Haudry Writer. Nathan PeyrenWriter. Gaël Lejeune Writer Baptiste BelperinWriter. Carlos De Carvalho Producer. Pierre-Antoine Naline Music. Pierre-Antoine Naline Sound design Gaël Lejeune Sound design

Spoon directed by Arthur Chays
Year: 2022
Runtime : 3’
Production : Intrepide Productions
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : To escape from everyday life, it’s very simple: you need motivation, a ladder and a spoon. But is it really that easy ?
Credits : Arthur Chays Director. Arthur Chays Writer. Elisabeth Martin Producer. Chloe Goyard Key Cast. Maxime Plaisantin Key Cast. Marie Laroche Music. Marco Pascal Sound design.

Coincidate directed by CHEN, WEI-LIN
Year : 2021
Runtime : 6’28
Production : CHEN, WEI-LIN
Country : TAIWAN
Synopsis : It was originally thought to be an only meet in life, but they seemed to be made for each other and quickly fell in love. “Two strangers have fallen in love, but only one person knows that it is not a coincidence.” There is a hidden side behind the seemingly ordinary encounter.
Credits : CHEN, WEI-LIN: Director. CHEN, WEI-LIN Writer. CHEN, WEI-LIN Producer. CHEN, WEI-LIN Animation. CHEN, WEI-LIN Editor. CHEN, LI-TANG Music

SEANCE 2 – 22 Septembre 2022
Distance – ACT I: The Peacock and the Sphinx directed by Eddy Loukil
Year: 2022
Runtime : 7’
Production :
Country : CANADA
Synopsis : As the bell rings, the stranded King and Queen of the Oxidized Realm initiate their old, tedious dance. When the ostentatious act builds up to reach its climax, the masquerade gives way to reveal the hidden wounds of the relationship.
Credits : Eddy Loukil Director/Art Director/Designer/3D Artist. Ariane Servagent Choreographer. Frederic Wedeux Rigger, Ghayth Chegaar Animators. Alex Alvarez Animators. Ida Marie Soendergaard Animators. Toni Buenavida Animators
Felix Marquis-Poulin Animators. Eddy Loukil Animators. Simon Chenaux Music composers. Yoann Denesle Music composers
Vincent Arcai Sound designer. Studio MorenaMix/Mastering. Pierre DaubryMix/Mastering. Antoine Seychal Mix/Mastering

Ils surveillent (They’re watching) directed by Quentin Moll-Van Roye
Year : 2021
Runtime : 29’17
Production : Happy moon production
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : Every night, Anne observes the stars in the hope that a mystical force brings answers to her torments. Her husband is helpless in the face of this sickly obsession that affects their relationship. What if Anne was right to believe it?
Credits : Cast Isabelle de Hertogh, Thierry Hellin, Jan Debski, Antojo Otero. Cinematographer Lucas Ruyssen. Image editing Louis Zabus. Sound editing Théophile Moussouni. Sound mixing Théophile Moussouni. Musique originale Thibaud Demey

Red directed by Aurélie Braun, Naïna Ardinet, Ludovic Pedro, Tommy Dimanov, Adrien Pirès, Emeric Venière
Year : 2021
Runtime: 6’50
Production: Ecole Georges Méliès
Country: FRANCE
Synopsis : In an overpopulated Cyberpunk universe, two sisters are separated by the population’s uprising against the one-child policy.
Credits : Graphic design Tommy Dimanov, Aurelie Braun, Adrien Pires. Animation, Editing Aurelie Braun, Emeric Veniere
Sets Tommy Dimanov, Adrien Pires . Special efects Paul Bouchard, Aurélie Braun, Adrien Pires, Naina Ardinet Compositing Adrien Pires, Emeric Veniere, Tommy Dimanov, Ludovic Pedro Music, Sound Editing Olivier Michelot. Sound Olivier Michelot, Giorgio Di Campo . Existing Music Ragtime piano by Giorgio Di Campo

Call and Response directed by Morgane Duprat–Peter, Laura Sadi Honniball, Sélena Aledji, Anthony Okoko, Daphné Kutnowski, Yoann Bouabré
Year : 2021
Runtime : 6’15
Production : Ecole Georges Méliès
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : In the 1950s, Paris was the capital of the liberation of the arts and music. A jazz audition brings together two rival musicians who will try to impress the jury.
Credits : Editing Morgane Duprat–Peter. Animation, Special effects Daphne Kutnowski, Yoann Bouabre, Morgane Duprat–Peter, Laura Sadi Honniball, Anthony Okoko. Sets Selena Aledji, Anthony Okoko, Laura Sadi Honniball. Compositing Duprat–Peter, Laura Sadi Honniball. Music Clement Garcin Foley, mix Olivier Michelot, Alexis Poirier. Sound Design Olivier Michelot, Morgane Duprat–Peter. Voice cast Marcial Le Minoux

Neurosis : A Cosmic Odyssey directed by Clément Bardonneau, Alexandre Husson, Mattias Pham-Ngoc, François Pinet, Joséphine Verrier
Year : 2021
Runtime : 7’
Production : Ecole Georges Méliès
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : A writer lacking inspiration wanders in a city whose environment gradually becomes a disturbing representation of his work…
Credits : Script Mattias Pham-Ngoc, Clement Bardonneau, Josephine Verrier. Graphic design Clement Bardonneau, Alexandre Husson, Mattias Pham-Ngoc, François Pinet, Josephine Verrier. Sets, Compositing Mattias Pham-Ngoc, François Pinet, Alexandre Husson. Special effects Alexandre Husson. Animation Clement Bardonneau, Alexandre Husson, Josephine Verrier, Mattias Pham-Ngoc. Camera Mattias Pham-Ngoc, Clement Bardonneau. Editing Mattias Pham-Ngoc. Music Karim Mimoun. Sound Mattias Pham-Ngoc, Olivier Michelot. Sound Design Olivier Michelot. Voice cast Yann Bean, Douglas Rand

The Repeater directed by Grete Suarez
Year : 2021
Runtime : 18’
Production : Arces producciones et Mad Motif
Country : SPAIN
Synopsis : A radio repairman hikes up a mountain to fix the repeater tower. A simple task turns into an arduous journey when he encounters a string of strange occurrences that forces him to face a painful truth in his life.
Credits : Written and Directed by GRETE SUAREZ. Produced by ALEJANDRO SUAREZ LOZANO

Almost Unreal directed by Eve de Montbrial, Léa Vasselle-Bossy, Margaux Kempff, Grégoire Deranville, Ambre Jacques, Eléonore Chaumont, Alexis Descamps
Year : 2021
Runtime: 6’22
Production : Rubika
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : Obsessed by the loss of his little sister, an old cleaning man creates a wonderful collage world, hoping to bring her back. But when he thinks he has her back, his perfect world shatters…
Credits : Direction : Eve de Montbrial, Léa Vasselle-Bossy, Margaux Kempff, Grégoire Deranville, Ambre Jacques,
Eléonore Chaumont, Alexis Descamps. Script : Eve de Montbrial. Editing : Grégoire Deranville. Animation : Margaux Kempff, Grégoire Deranville, Ambre Jacques

A l’article de l’amour directed by Clara Duvert, Margot Chauchoy, Cédric Bagein, Laure Maitrehenry, Mattéo Martinez, Julien Cabezas
Year : 2021
Runtime : 5’29
Production : Rubika
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : On the occasion of her wedding anniversary, Brigitte tries everything to rekindle the flame between her and her husband, a former undertaker. When she discovers that her neighbor Martha’s latest construction looks like a coffin, Brigitte has only one thought: to steal the coffin and give it to her husband so that he will finally look at her. so that he will finally look at her.

SEANCE 3 – 23 Septembre 2022
Franceska directed by Alberto Cano
Year : 2021
Runtime : 7’
Production : Lightbox Academy SL
Country : SPAIN
Synopsis : the cold night hangs over the old Frankenstein?s castle. Victor, the scientist willing to challenge science, sets out to carry out his most ambitious plan: bring his admired Franceska back to life. With the collaboration, or not, of Igor, his invaluable and loving assistant; Victor will face the greatest challenge of his career.
Credits: Production Company: Lightbox Academy S.L. Direction: Alberto Cano. Cast: Claudio Serrano. Script: Alberto Cano Rodríguez, David Alonso Pérez. Production: Nicolas Matji. Cinematography: No NO. Art: Óscar Martín. Editing: No no. Sound: Iberian Media. Music: Ezequiel Navarrete

At Last directed by Lancelot Mingau
Year : 2022
Runtime : 12’45
Production : Du lac production
Country of production : FRANCE – UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Synopsis : The weight of a choice is on a man’s shoulders. 10 years after Ben arrived in New York, he was sent there to make a big decision – At the end of his ten years, he only has one day left to make his choice. Choice that could concern all of us.
Credits : Cast : Jonathan Piteo, Julep Marie, Teena Sherpa. Producers : Pema Lhamu Sherpa, Lancelot Mingau. Voice-overs : Chaim Samuels, Mickaëlle Patier. Editor : Lancelot Mingau. Music Composer : Nicolas Horvath. Sound Mixer : Antoine Masson. Screenwriter : Lancelot Mingau. Directors of Photography : Lancelot Mingau, Ophélie Mingau. Sound Editor : Antoine Masson. Grader : Hugo Dubin. Sound design : Antoine Masson

Parapluies directed by José Prats, Álvaro Roblès
Year : 2020
Runtime : 12’
Production : Moukda Production, Bigaro Film
Country : SPAIN – FRANCE
Synopsis : In a remote village where it rains incessantly, Kyna, 6 years old, spends her days playing carefree, well sheltered under the “umbrella-bar” of Din, her father. One night Nana, her beloved dog, disappears. To find her, Kyna must face her greatest fear, the rain.
Credits : Script Jose Prats, Alvaro Robles, Alicia Canovas, Jesus Lopez. Editing Jose Prats, Alvaro Robles. Graphic design, Sets Jose Prats. Animation director Thierry Torres. Animation development director Jose Antonio Cerro. Animation Laura Soret, Marta de Paz, Manuel Galiana, Laura Cobo, Josep Bano, Carmen Cambrils, Javier Ferrer, Cristina Calles, Liuxander Ricardo Da Silva, Rohan Deshchougule, Pauline Champetier, María Torregrosa, Marta Martín, Orlando Díaz, Marcel Carralero, Theo Boubounelle, Thijs Koole, Mihaela Buzgan. Special effects Martin Uyttebroeck, Pierre Grillere. Music Pablo Mirete. Voice cast Alejandro Garrido Martinez, Celia Lopera Gonzales. Producers Diana Hentulescu, Keota Dengmanara, Ramon Alos

The Last Game directed by Luis Belda
Year : 2021
Runtime : 15’
Production : Stendhal producciones
Country of production SPAIN
Synopsis : Alvaro and his friends are about to play one of their usual role games when a disturbing discovery will change the game forever.
Credits : Production Company: Stendhal producciones. Direction: Luis Belda. Cast: Teo Planell, Nuno Gallego, Miguel Millán, Javier Bodalo. Script: Antonio Martínez Palao. Production: Felipe Arnuncio. Cinematography: José Luis Salomón. Art: David Fernández. Editing: Luis Belda. Sound: Lin Chang, Íñigo Olmo. Music: Luis Belda

Princesse de Jérusalem directed by Guillaume Levil et Nicolas Paban
Year : 2021
Runtime : 26’
Production : La boite à songe
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : Working at the office during the day, taking care of his father in the evening: this is the daily routine of Pierrot, a simple and endearing bachelor. For several weeks, he has been chatting with a young woman on the Internet. That day, she asks him to help her.
Credits : Executive Producer : Fanny Chrétien. Sound Recordist : Alexandre Ralha. Director of Photography : Michel Allouch. Camera Operator : Nicolas Paban. Editor : Amandine Froger. Continuity supervisor : Sophie Bouteiller. Music Composer :
Nicolas Pignerol. Grader : Michel Allouche. Sound Mixer : Alexandre Ralha. Assistant Director : Priscilla Lopes. Screenwriters :
Guillaume Levil, Nicolas Paban. Assistant Operator : Madian Jacquemin. Production manager : Fanny Chrétien. Sound Editor :
Alexandre Ralha Production Designer : David Viellefon. Costume designer : Nathalie Trezza. Make-up Artist :.Alexandra Cittadini

S.O.S directed by Sarah Hafner
Completion Date: 2021
Runtime : 11’24
Production : Qui vive
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : Pollution, global warming, overpopulation, for Jean-Claude and Maddy, there is only one solution: to leave the earth and ask for help from extraterrestrials. But when a little green man comes along to save them, things don’t quite go as planned.
Credits : Sarah Hafner : Director. Lucie Vigier (Qui Vive) : Producer. Anne Benoit : Key Cast. Jacques Bouaniche. Key Cast
Alexandre Spector. Key Cast. Sarah Hafner Writer

Chut ! directed by Virginie Kahn
Year : 2022
Runtime : 12’
Production : PM SA
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : Between fairy tales and children’s comedy, Chut! is freely adapted from a live performance. In the 1920s, an inhibited young boy and a girl discover a marvelous book in which live three tiny beings – living letters – that only they can see and hear.
Credits : Directed by Virginie Kahn Writing Virginie Kahn. Cast : Amance Barbosa-CateriniLouve Reiniche LarrocheEnki Lebigot-Dymon. Produced by Alain Pancrazi Music by Benoît Maurin Pierre-Olivier Schmitt Cinematography by
Gérald Acourt Stéphane Le Parc Film Editing by Cécile Porlan