Discover the Festival du Film Merveilleux 2016 ‘s Programmation
The prize list of the 7th festival du Film Merveilleux of Paris is given by the jury 2016: Elisa Bachir Bey, Aline B-Ifergane, Ayekoro Kossou and Thomas Guerigen.
Meilleur film: THE RED THUNDER de Ron Alvaro
Meilleur film d’animation: MISHIMASAIKO de Aude Danset
Coup de coeur du jury: JIMBO de Louisiane Brosseau
Meilleur musique: COMMUNE de Thomas Perrett
Meilleur scénario: ARTIFICIAL de David P Sanudo
Prix spécial: THE BLUE AND THE BEYOND de Youri Dekker
Zero de David Victori
Timing : 29 minutes
Production : Ridley Scott & Michael Fassbender
Country of production : USAs, Mexico, Spain, UK
Synopsis : Father and son are emotionally and physically separated the day that the Earth loses its gravity intermittently. The child wanders the city obsessed in his search for a response to his mother’s recent death, while his father tries to find him in a world that is collapsing around him.
The present de Jacob Frey
Running time: 4 minutes
Production : Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg
Pays de production : Allemagne
Synopsis : Jake spends most of his time playing video games indoors until his mother decides to give him a present.
Immersion de Raphael Rogers
Running Time: 9 minutes 33
Production: Auto production
Country of production: USA
Synopsis : Immersion, Atma’s virtual reality rehabilitation program is sweeping the nation. Now criminals are being treated
inside VR. Depression, violence, anxiety, soon they’ll all be in the past. But Axa is being hunted by Atma. Why? He’s just a nobody… or is he?
Artificial de David P Sanudo
Running time : 19 minutes 44
Production : Amania Films
Country of production: Espagne
Synopsis : Xabier (Gorka Otxoa) goes for a job interview. What he doesn’t know is that he has already been selected. CORPSA offers to pay him 80,000 if he agrees to be cloned. But more than just a lot of money depends on his decision. Still, Xabier isn’t sure. What if runs into someone identical to himself one day? Who can reassure him he won’t be replaced?
Projection: competition / public /click next
Little thing de Or Kan Tor
Running time: 5 minutes
Production : Auto Production
Country of production: Israel
Synopsis : A tiny creature searches for companionship in an empty city.
Jimbo de Lousianne Brosseau
Running time: 10 minutes 26
Production: CInécréatis
Country of production: France
Synopsis : In a society where all joy is now prohibited, an unemployed clown is hired as cook in a primary school. Defying the authority, he will try to teach the children to laugh.
Projection: competition / public
The last journey of the enigmatic Paul WR de Romain Quirot
Running time : 17 minutes 08
Production : Jérôme Lateur
Country of production : France et Maroc
Synopsis : The red moon threatens our existence on earth. Our only hope is the enigmatic Paul WR, the most talented
astronaut of his generation. But a few hours before the start of the Great mission, Paul disappears
Projection: competition / public
L’Oracle de Nan Feix
Running time: 14 minutes 28
Production: Soixante Quinze et AS&M
Country of production: Etats Unis et France
Synopsis : In his escape after committing a murder, Dave is stuck in a village in a parallel world, threatened by the Oracle who takes the form of a jukebox. Wanting to escape at all costs, he has a car accident which makes him realize that he has no other choice but to stay..
The red thunder de Ron Alvaro
Running time: 6 minutes 26
Production: Auto Production
Country of production: USA & spain
Synopsis: Sarah (Allie Grant, “Weeds”), a nerdy teenager, needs her mom’s brand new car to go on a date with Danny (Miles Heizer “Parenthood”), the boy she is in love with. Her mom, Dr. Thun (Karen Strassman, “Silicon Valley”), an absent minded Podiatrist is concerned about Sarah driving in the dangerous streets of downtown Los Angeles. She tells her daughter she may need her car if one of her patients has an emergency, but Sarah doesn’t buy it. After all Dr. Thun is just a Podiatrist… Sarah receives a message from Danny asking if she is going to pick him up and she decides to disobey her mom and steal the car. Little does she know the vehicle is actually part of a secret Dr. Thun keeps and this discovery will change Sarah’s life forever…
Projection: competition / public
Avant de Arthur Tabuteau
Running time: 13 minutes 15
Production : Stephan Meance
Country of production: France
Synopsis : In a world turned to ashes by war between humans and machines, a boy tries to survive. Even if the robot menace is everywhere, he goes on a quest for food. Despite his effort to stay hidden, he gets caught. While everything seems lost, the reaction of the robot is not what he expected…
Jinxy Jenkins & Lucky Lou de Michael Bidinger et Michelle Kwon
Running time: 4 minutes
Production: Sara Kambara
Country of production: Etats Unis
Synopsis :When the chaotically misfortunate Jenkins and the monotonously lucky Lou run into each other one morning, they find a thrilling and fulfilling change of pace as they hurtle down the hills of San Francisco in an ice cream cart.
Heart and soul de Pierre Zah
Running time : 2 minutes 15
Country of production : Etats Unis
Synopsis : The Soul is trying to find peace in the Mind but his downstairs neighbor won’t stop playing on the drums in the
Ribcage. Soul has to go down to get his neighbor to stop beating.
The blue and the beyond de Youri Dekker
Running time : 9 minutes 36
Production : Samia Khalaf
Country of production : USA
Synopsis : The Blue & the Beyond is the story of a young, imaginative man named Charlie, who is searching to find someone like him in a world where he is different in every way.
Mastercat de Margaux Rosiau, Geoffrey Bourrissoux, Camille Aubé, Maud Biscay
Running time : 4 minutes 15
Production : Pays de production : France
Synopsis : Cats suffer from the “lolcat” phenomenon. In revenge, Mastercat and Minicat launch a machiavellian plan to destroy humanity through a computer virus.
Projection: competition / public
A life in Time de Florian Delhormeau
Running time : 5 minutes 30
Production : autoproduction
Country of production : France
Synopsis : Thomas, a young scientist, is convinced that time travel is a reality. During a party, he announces to his mocking
friends that one day he will travel back in time to prove his theory.
Miel Blue de Constance Joliff, Daphne Durocher, Fanny Lhotellier
Running time : 4 minutes 45
Production : Ecole Georges Méliès
Country of production : France
Synopsis : A small bee, allergic to pollen, discovers an extraordinary product that will dramatically impact the life of the hive…
The Reward de Po chou chi
Running time : 3 minutes
Production : Dow-Ning Yang
Country of production : Taiwan
Synopsis : An enterpriser looks back to his life and gives rewards to a special person…
Commune de Thomas Perrett
Running time: 20 minutes
Production :
Country of production: UK
Synopsis : A man takes a job as the guardian of a rundown London house. Charged with keeping the property secure, he soon realises that it’s not the building that needs protecting, but himself. A malevolent dark cult from the past, resides within the building and they are hunting for new members, stopping at nothing to make you, join them
Indigo de Paul Jerndal
running time: 19 minutes
Production : autoproduction
Country of production : Sweden
Synopsis : Two young, lost souls in New York City share a common struggle – they are stuck in lives they do not feel they belong. She is an adored actress and he, a bike messenger. On the outside they seem like each others opposite, but on the inside they are the same- dehumanized by an internal loneliness that alienates them from feeling alive.
Le goût des choux de Bruxelles de Michael Terraz
Running time: 18 minutes
Production: Fulldawa Film
Country of production : France
Synopsis : Octave – 87 years old, married for 60 years with 5 children, 11 grand children and 3 great grand children – questions himself. He can’t remember if likes the flavour of Brussel sprouts and he also wonders if his wife Madeleine is still to his taste…
Mishimasaiko de Aude Danset
Running time: 14 minutes
Production: Lardux Films
Country of production: France
Synopsis : Mishima lives in the dark, surrounded by worms in his undergroud den. One morning he discovers beautiful Saiko
who awakes in the heart of a rose. Saiko is thirsty. Saiko is hungrey. But Mishima, like worms, cannot live in the sun.
Projection: competition / public
“Foreign Waters” d’Amelie McCandless (2015) en animation 2D De Thomas Guerigen
Running time : 5 minutes
Production : autorpduction
Country of production : France
Synopsis : Une petite sirene d’eau douce se promène dans sa marre avant que la main de l’homme n’y fasse des ravages.
Synopsis anglais :