MEET Chloé Delestrain, Owen Masson, Lancelot Myja Le Guludec, Morrigane Haudry, Nathan Peyren, Gaël Lejeune, Baptiste Belperin
Chloé Delestrain, Owen Masson, Lancelot Myja Le Guludec, Morrigane Haudry, Nathan Peyren, Gaël Lejeune and Baptiste Belperin have graduated from the Pôle 3D school (Roubaix, France). In 2021, they co-directed the short film “The Basilisk”.

Year : 2021
Runtime : 7’14
Production : Pôle 3D
Country : FRANCE
Synopsis : A man receives a disturbing phone call from one of his colleagues about an AI that would come into existence.
Credits : Chloé Delestrain Director. Owen Masson Director Lancelot Myja Le Guludec Director. Morrigane Haudry Director
Nathan Peyren Director. Gaël Lejeune Director. Baptiste Belperin Director. Chloé Delestrain Writer Owen MassonWriter. Lancelot Myja Le Guludec Writer. Morrigane Haudry Writer. Nathan PeyrenWriter. Gaël Lejeune Writer Baptiste BelperinWriter. Carlos De Carvalho Producer. Pierre-Antoine Naline Music. Pierre-Antoine Naline Sound design Gaël Lejeune Sound design